Monthly Archives: May 2021

digging up bones

I borrowed this from a lovely website who would charge $13.99 for 3. I chose to borrow. Look closely and you will read the rightful owner. Thank you random stock pic website.

I am in the middle of my bathroom re do. One of the things I am going to take care of is the little one inch baseboard at the bottom of the tub. POS!! I knew it the minute I applied it but thought I would leave it as it might grown on me. That was right after Rocky died when I hired my friend’s son to put in a new tub surround and tile. Plus the linoleum, I like the linoleum. However the kid didn’t know shit about tile as I did not know shit about base board application. It the based board has grown yellow and leaked glue on the floor, yes I cleaned it up multiple times. POS. Why on earth did I think I needed the useless piece of plastic/rubber/petroleum product? Well there is a gap between the bottom of the tub and floor. Granted there is like 3 things of caulking nothing is going to get in there, but it still shows a gap. So in an epiphany I decided to remove it, apply WD 40 to loosen up sticky substances and warsh it real good. I happen to have a partial roll of real honest to god plastic base board that has been used throughout the house over the years. I got the glue and directions and? I forget but I am going to let a piece of that history soften up in the sun and get busy making it purty.

In my quest to find the box of baseboard. I found a really cool yellow jacket trap. I do not have a clue where it came from or how long its been there. I found a double action Loctite syringe that is still full. I guess I haven’t been in those two cabinets in some years.

Mom came down from the mountains on Wednesday and we went and visited Rocky’s grave. I had taken the day off and so I invited mom to come pick me up and take me to lunch. The woman never lets me pay for lunch. I felt like she rescued me that day, I do so hate this time of year. We had a lovely day together. But while at the site, where the asshole grounds manager likes to destroy windchimes. I found that someone had draped my ‘lost’ windchimes’ over the branch of a tree near Rocky’s stone. How difficult is it to give a shit about your customers and their loved ones. Yeah you can make grass grow. big effing deal. jerk. So I told mom that when I am ready to go, I am taking the windchimes home.

Wednesday fingers crossed, The tree comes down. As it so happens I took the day off for a dental appointment here in town. So once I am back I will wait till all the ruckus is over and clock in.

Well, the young man of the house has vacated the loo, which means I need to get to work.

I love you, stay safe.

diet of elimination

The artist may be Beryl Cook or Fernando Bortelo, I forget but I bow to the genius who painted this. I am presently gathering up illustrations of beautiful older heavier ladies, such as myself. Before we flew to Mexico, Sandy gave us all the same 5×7 illustration of 5 ladies of an older age, all different sizes and all in colorful swimsuits sitting on a beach. So I have decided to expand on my ‘collection’. It is kind of difficult to do this for some reason, we are present in all life forms but hidden. This is sad and far be it from me to change the entire world. But I will change mine. I am taking all my Mickey stuff from the bathroom and putting them in a tote. Then I am also putting all my dolls and teddy bears away. It is after all time to grow up or better known as ‘new decor’. I am going to paint, put in a couple grab bars and a new towel rack. Heck I am even going to tackle the noisy exhaust fan. Yep its going to get grungy before it gets better.

I have finished fencing off the parameter of the back yard. Betty damaged a lot of the plants but they are all recovering. I am still planting in my pots, they will be on the deck closest to the house. Once I am done planting I will post a video. Betty has now focused her enthusiasm on digging in the dirt and has discovered the roots of my huge maple. Evidently these are delicious. Do I mind if she slowly kills the maple? No I am playing with the idea of having it all taken down to a 2 foot stump. I am surrounded by trees, I get very little sun.

I closed on the refinancing of the house yesterday. Lots of pages, lots of different ways to sign my signature. They added the different variations of my name they found on the internet that is connected to me. Only one page. Jill at the title company says her friend has 8 pages. Can I get a stamp of my signature? geez. But I came away with over 900 dollars, we went with a little more because I was financing everything but the for the fella that came in and gave a price. Get this it came to 220,000.00. Good grief, did I wake up in California. Naw, it would probably be higher priced there. My entire payment is 338.00 a month. I am having them take out 1/2 every other week. This puts a couple extra payments on my house. Smart? Yes yes I am.

I also went in had my mammogram done. I hate doing these, so lucky covid allowed me to push it a year out and this after I didn’t do it the year before. One of the questions they asked if I had significant weight loss in the past year and I have. I estimate I have lost 20 pounds. Which is fine, I feel better in my skin. And I wished I hadn’t gotten rid of the totes of clothes that I could wear. But hey, I have Amazon. I have had an issue with my digestion for the last 18 months. So I have been eliminating different foods to see which one was triggering the disagreement that I was experiencing. So far it is best if I don’t drink milk, coffee, non dairy creamer and most breads. My new doctor told me that it is just because I am getting older (fucker) and all ladies have issues with diarrhea. ???? What the ever loving fuck. So I am now getting a different provider and yeah they will be focusing on geriatric. In my company we have a provider who just set up his clinic right off of Chinden and Linder. Just a hop, jump and skip away. No more driving the most packed part of Nampa to get to my stupid nonlistening doctor. So back to me. When my gallbladder was removed I was told to be careful eating spicy foods. At the moment I can have potato flour bread which I was eating any way. Its quite good. Didn’t know it was good for me, suspicious. I can have chicken and fish. Lots of different salad type stuff. But? I am cooking burgers and baking cookies today. Yes I do like to live on the edge. We will eventually put a name to my predicament and I will once again learn a new normal

What are you watching? I am currently bingeing on street food videos on youtube. Right now my host is Mikey Chen, he talks to much but looks like a young Jackie Chan. He also videos his traveling in the luxury of different airline carriers. I think I need to find something that I can youtube and make money on…. no no I don’t think so. I will just watch from the comfort of home. An armchair tourist if you will. Yes I read that book.

If you are in the neighborhood do stop in for a cookie. I love you.