Monthly Archives: July 2019

that could be good news

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When I spoke to the girl from IDOL, I hung up with the feeling that I got somewhere with her. Somebody listened. Yesterday morning, I went on the IDOL website to check (like I do every morning) the status of my claim payment. The page read; Payment claim paid out on 8/1/2019. hooray. I gets my money!!! I will get 2 full payments and a partial due to having to claim my PTO payment/reimbursement. Did I tell you I got 75% of my ESL? Had I been allowed to stay until like seven years, I would get the entire amount. I wonder how that pays out if someone retires…who cares. not me. And yes my retirement is still with them or the company that does the retirement stuff. I will decide on that later.

I mailed off the beaded necklaces to Miss Glynnie, she is very excited to get them. I stopped in a couple places looking for the base I want for my bead windchime. So far no luck. But I am going to mom’s tomorrow and they have a couple of 2nd hand stores in Crouch. I might find something there. Today I am to go to Carol’s for a spot of tea and a visit. Or beer I am not sure which.

I called the PHMG’s talent coordinator. Nothing full time yet. So we agreed to talk next Monday and check if anything has come up. Or do I FLOAT? If I go part time, I am locked into that position for 6 months. But if I go in as a float, I can take any open full time position as they come available. Now that my unemployment has been granted, I can comfortably wait till 8/19. Aug 19?? That is the next start of their 3 week orientation. I don’t have to start this coming Monday. hooray. Plenty of time to do stuff. Looks like I am taking the summer off. Oh yes I am still applying for jobs. I have to if I want to be able to claim unemployment. What happens if I am offered a really good paying position. I take it, duh. It is good to have a plan.

One of my favorite 2nd hand stores here closed. darn. I guess I better go back up to Main st to see if the Hen House is still open.

Lordy it is hot. The man of the house states he is going to replace the livingroom AC unit. Ok, go do it already.

Well I am hitting the showers. You? Do whatever, I’m not your mom.

and just like that it was a new day

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No word from the a fore mentioned talent coordinator yesterday. But not to worry, I haven’t stopped applying for jobs. I ain’t no dummy.

Yesterday I changed out the hanger for Justin’s flag. The original hanger was on the post by the front door. The post is only connected to one end and that is the top. Yeah cement has been slowly sinking. My plan? Why I will shove the appropriate sized piece of wood at the bottom of the pole to stop movement. Have I done this, multiple times. Wind comes up, flag flaps and post moves. My solution is two fold, move flag and shove more bits of wood under the offending pole. In addition to the flag causing the pole to move, the flag also got caught on my wind chimes. More trouble than its worth really. But all is fixed for now.

I did get another call from a gal at the Idaho Labor Department. Seems I got my story wrong as to who was sitting by me when I deleted something. It was told to the girl at IDOL that I was lying. ummm harsh words, bitches. So I said that was probably the second and only time that I had deleted an order. Both times being a mistake. I went on to explain that at the time when the supervisor was there and it was being corrected; it didn’t seem to be a big deal. I told IDOL girl that I remember freaking out and the supervisor said not to worry, one of the other nurses can put it back in to place. It wasn’t  like when you know you totally fucked up and you were waiting to be escorted out the door. I then pointed out that if it was a firing offense why did they wait 9 days? They also said that after the day I was cross training in the different position, it just didn’t work out. Really? I replied; it didn’t work out because they fired the guy who was training me. And they found they were short staffed, again. I said that was not my fault, I was sitting there taking notes and learning. This instance was a management problem. god I hope those people are all on the cross walk out front of the building and get hit by a run away bus. ass holes!!! I will hear the results by the end of the week.

Before putting the ladder away I finally rehung the chandelier out back and then hung the little white shelf on the shed. Oh and lets not forget that I also mowed the yard. I was a bundle of energy. sweaty out of breath energy.

Today? Probably very little is going to be done. Maybe go pay the water bill. Yeah living the dream.

just a little clarification


Did not get a call from HR, so I called. Let’s get this show on the road. After leaving a message, Jen and I continued on her birthday adventure. We stopped at Repop in Boise. Its a much smaller version of the Archie McPhee’s store. My phone rings. I wander out front to a bench, it is Angela the talent coordinator for PHMG.

She explains why she hasn’t called. The only full time position was snagged by an employee. There are several casual or parttime positions and we could combine. But no combination adds up to full time. And fulltime is what I want. So I was told we have 3 options, go for the part time combo = 30 hrs , join on as a float 18 to 24 hrs, or wait a couple of days. Evidently with school starting up we have PSRs going back to school. I asked if they still wanted me. I was assured very quickly that yes, I was wanted. I was just the last one to be interviewed for a position that day and its just that the right position needs to come forward. ok…so I get a couple more days of vacation. She offered me the expected wage. Went on to explain that there was a bonus system in place. That I  would be able to advance quite swiftly. So I said lets talk early next week. I think if nothing comes up, I will go with the float position. That way once a position does open, I get first dibs as I would be an employee. Its good to have a plan. I still have not heard back from the Idaho Dept of Labor on my unemployment benefit. jeeezeee!!!!!

So when that phone call was finished, Jen and I went to Outback for a birthday lunch. We both hadn’t had steak in a while and I needed to celebrate my upcoming employment along with Jen’s 42nd birthday or 43rd. We forget. After our lunch we headed for Charming Charlie’s to see what was left in their store. Company filed bankruptcy and everything and fixtures were for sale. Jen picked out a few things then we drove over to Gordman’s. Where I found a lovely Indian brass bells, sun silhouettes, and beads wind chime. And? I did get her something pink flamingoy, salt and pepper shakers. It is not an official Jennifer birthday without something pink flamingo like. We both had a grand time without spending a butt load of money, well except outback. But hey nothings too good for my baby girl.

It was a pretty good day.

that’s a no from me bob


The internet is a wondrous place. Yesterday I had to cancel two interviews. Why? Because I accepted an offer from Primary Health Medical Group. I will be a patient rep specialist and the location has not been determined yet. I just requested that it not be on the east side of Boise. please.

I had gone in for an employee access visit. We were told to open a window app to type up a few sentences. I bungled that right the hell up because being the perfectionist, I was trying to fix the spacing. Which only allowed me to type a few words. We were given an ICD-10 book and were told to look up codes and stuff. I whiz banged through that. We worked on really bad copies of insurance cards, they wanted us to abstract simple insurance info. Got that too. Then we were given some simple arithmetic equations. Sailed right down that road then handed in my work. The trainer took me from the room, interviewed me and told me her talent agent would be calling with a location and wage offer. So la di freaking da. The group had five people and only three passed the tests. I asked the trainer what they were looking for because I knew that we didn’t do a lot of typing and never did coding. She said they were looking for how well we could get in a program and get it open. ah ha! So I will start 8/5 with orientation.  PHMG is a company of 19 and counting clinics. They are scattered from one end of the treasure valley to the other. The latest one is located in Caldwell. I worked for them before in 2009 in the business office but that manager thank god has retired. bat shit crazy

First thing I did after my successful interview was cancel the next two interviews that I had scheduled. They both wish me luck, then I drove up the hill from State St to Rocky’s grave. I hadn’t seen it since May and wanted to see if they had replaced the tree, nope. Maybe I will buy one myself or maybe get a concrete bench. Any who I stayed for a while as it was a lovely sunny moment.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER,  have fun getting your tattoo. Love you so much.  It has been a joy watching you grow into the woman you are today.

evidently it’s a thing


I had remembered just the other day that I enjoyed watching ‘magnet fishing’. Really? Sounds attractive…. I had found some videos of people finding really cool stuff in canals and rivers with industrial size magnets on ropes. Guns, jewelry and other metal things of interest. Thinking I had watched everything on the internet, clicked on youtube to see what was on the menu in the magnet fishing category. I found the Brummies of the United Kingdom. They are fun to watch, well lets say interesting enough to put me to sleep. A family of three who spend considerable time on the banks of their local canals removing rusted metal objects. Rarely is there anything of value. But it is interesting to see what they remove next hospital bed frames, bicycles and safes. Lets assume they live in a high crime area, lots of safes. So if you do have a difficult time falling asleep check out the Brummies on youtube. In one video you can see that there are numerous people in their little groups with cameras and magnets. Seems that every other person in the UK have a magnet fishing video on youtube.

Royce, I have grabbed a handful of the necklaces and going to mail them to Glynni. I can see her wearing them while singing some bawdy song. The rest? I am going to fashion into a windchime perhaps three. I just need to purchase a base in which to start from. Perhaps a small silver candy dish.

I have been lounging and watching the television in between filling out applications and going to interviews. Mostly filling out apps. As I have said in the past; looking for a job is a full time job. Or some kind of nonsense like that. I think I need to redo my resume or grow at least 15 years younger. whatever

yeah? no.


My horoscope says that if I go out today I run the risk of speaking with people…nope. I am not peopling today.

Busy filling out applications. What do I want to be when I grow up? Evidently nothing to do with patients or their providers. Which leaves an open field of cashiering at Maverick or making foods at Taco bell but I could always drive bus. Maybe a postal service person.

Or I could move to California and make sure everything is named something gender neutral so as to not offend any sexually fluid human. I doubt it would offend any other species but who am I to say as I am not fluent in canine, feline or any other ine.

I received a phone call from job service for an interview to state my side of the unemployment allotment. I was told that the manager had said I had deleted an order and the nurse had to reinstate it, some 9 days before my beheading

dismissal.   9 days? what was the wait? Because I was also told that any other offense that I may or may not have done would not have gotten me fired. Um hm. I smell a liar or someone scrambling to find some firing offense recognized by St unknown hospital name. When I asked about the wait, I was told that there was a waiting period for approval? the hell are they talking about. so screw them. The process goes on as I gave my rebuttal and am told that they will go back to the manager for their reply and then a a decision will be made. If my decision that will arrive in the mail in 7 to 10 days is not found in my favor? I will just appeal and we will go to adjudication.  so there!

playground equipment


I can only assume why I didn’t fit the requirements for the cardiology position. Maybe because I said I wasn’t competitive. Guess they are big on competition, wants to be the best in the west. I can dig it. But you see I will play the game if I know the rules. Just don’t give me a yes or no question. Let me spin you  a story. Its okay it was too close to my old urology job like the next floor down in the building.

Moving right along I have a phone interview today at one pm. For an orthopedic trauma clinic should be interesting. I’ll let you know how that goes.

The wind picked up to about 50 mph the other day and then the next day around 40 mph. Which brought a little damage to the arbor out front. Yep knocked it end over tea kettle. So I took it apart enough to be able to take it back to the back yard. I will fashion something with it back there. Then I dragged my old wind mill out front to the strawberry patch where it fit like a glove over the tree stump. I might take a photo, might.

COBRA insurance will cost me 694 dollars a month. If I buy it am I buying it? No and no. If I have a medical emergency hopefully I can get it taken care of. Since being ‘let go’ I have been absolutely healthy. Stress is a sickness. Get rid of stress and boom! feeling much better.

I have decided to let go of the idea of telling someone about the nefarious doings of doctor in the last clinic. I am not that person who will run and tell, probably why I sat on the entire conversation. Going to put in the review mirror and just let it go. I figure it is probably not the first time its happened and all the shady patient care will catch up with them. Hopefully sooner rather than later. I wash my hands of it.

Justin and I are headed to the movies this week sometime. We need to watch the next part of the John Wick series. Keneau Reeves is bad ass or breath taking, you can pick.

what in tarnation


When I say that you can shut the door that does not mean you can shut every window in the house!!!

I sit here and wonder how many laptops I went through thinking they did not have the CD player option. I am not sure why I thought that the computer industry phased out the CD players on computers. Maybe because they make the laptops so slick and snazzy. Such a dumbass. I am sitting at mom’s house with my computer in my lap because well where else would it be? I sort of lost of my grip and went to grab hitting the side and the CD player shot out. I was amazed. But not amazed because I have never utilized any computer I have ever had to its full capacity. I use like 5 or 6 apps and that is it. done and done.

Wondering if I should even bother. I was witness to a conversation regarding an oncology patient and the treatment he was to start. The nurse was upset because the gentleman is like in his late 80s or early 90s. I forget but he is old. The age thing is really not the issue here. Nurse was upset because the chemotherapy was very expensive and the tests had consistently shown not to work. Plus the treatment’s side effects are hard on a patient: injected radiation.  Nurse asked the doctor why he would put this patient through this. He said it made his numbers looked good. The ex employer has a compliance line for reporting anything shady. Not sure if I should let sleeping dogs lie. Or nudge them awake a little. I know that anyone can report as anonymous. But holy shit what a can of worms. Oh and the nurse? Is the bitch that got me fired. Perhaps an axe to grind on my part? But! Medicare fraud. And why didn’t I do something when I heard this? Job safety? Just starting out and did not want to rock the boat.  Do not want to be known as a whistle blower? Not sure but this entire situation is really bugging me.

we’re the problem…not you


Today is the start of the mega sale extravaganza (drum roll) for Hallmark ornaments. I have been keeping an eye on this because I am not going to wait until December to pay 50 dollars for a 12 dollar ornament. Nope! So I am shopping thru all the website pages after picking out my puppy love ornament. shop shop shop. Can’t see anything I can live without. And the payment process of the website is down, for the love!!! Oh I could get dressed and drive over to the store and buy it. But in the capitol city we have a big too do going on. A bicycle race and almost of downtown is blocked off (nothing new there) which means everyone not on a bike is going to be on the other roads, so? Stay out of Boise.

I spent the last couple nights at mom and Rick’s place. I had to go up and meet my new canine brother, Zachary. He is only called Zachary when he is in trouble, which was only when he was awake. He is 3 months old and is big as Zsazsa, he is a black goldendoodle. Pappa is a black poodle, moms the golden. Genetics! Anyways that little dickens is teething and my arm was a victim several times. Not good. Mom is actually watching youtube videos on training so he is in good hands. We didn’t do much but hang around the house and listen to Fox news. Yikes! All those raised voices.

Yesterday I had a phone interview for a front office position in a cardiology clinic. They were very impressed and set up an appointment for a face to face interview on Monday. So I got that going for me.

It is hot. And I think the AC is going to shit. But if it does? I will just go to my room and watch tv there. If the boy wants a new ac, he can go buy one.


painting turtles


I was perusing the daily offerings of free kindle books. Reading each synopsis carefully in case I had gotten it before. But really? Amazon keeps tabs on my list so I just read to see if the topic tickles my fancy. And really, if you are big on reading and don’t have a tablet? You should get one. Look at me promote spending and keeping the economy going. Back to the book I found questionable, no it wasn’t soft porn or any porn for that matter. No a sentence regarding wanting to take it easy and paint turtles. What? Why would you want to paint a turtle? So I googled this to see if it is a thing. It is a thing and the national forest service would like you to stop. So if you are indeed painting turtles? Stop or face a fine or something. Or maybe you should go tie dye a bald eagle.

I am getting really annoyed with these ass hats who think it is a great idea to go into a grocery store, open a product; taste/swirl/spit back into the original container to place back on the shelf. All while filming it? Really? It is my hope that these individuals are skinned alive and have their hide hung to dry from a lamp post. Here ya go! Internet famous! idiots.

Picked up my belongings from slhs. My contact person was young enough to be Jen’s daughter. We met and went through this huge ass box that was packed full. How the hell did I get so much stuff in just 2 months? All under the watchful eye of a large security officer. Evidently some people are not too friendly when they are bounced out of a lucrative position. Me? I got better things to do than throw a hissy fit in front of strangers. I went through everything and found a couple things missing once home. So I just got off the phone and my 20 year old employee relations contact is going to ‘hopefully’ round that stuff up. Better! Cuz I can’t operate my wireless keyboard/mouse without it.  And when she does? I am going to have her mail it to me. Because this stuff should have been included. wanna bet?

I went to Dillard’s and returned my shoes. Then realized I was going to stop at chick fil a for a breakfast sandwich. darn it. That was by the washington group building where I had just left. crap. So I drove down Fairview and dived into a parking lot where I saw a Franz bread outlet store. Yeah! Huge two pound loaves for a dollar. bargain. Then I wandered on and finally ended up at McDs and got a burger and giant diet coke. A girl has to eat.

Have you noticed that I make the dullest things even duller? Oh yes, its my super power. I sat and rested once home. Then mowed my yard at 3 in the afternoon. I did not have a heart attack or stroke.

At the moment I am working with a local insurance fella to get coverage for home and auto. I had coverage through my employment discount which was nice. Pay it and forget it. But now I can’t forget it. I have to stay on top of it. Good thing it is current and paid up to the end of the month. Plenty of time to get it all settled and then plenty of time to resettle it because some dumbass is going to screw something up. not me tho.

And that is pretty much it for today. I have made my business phone calls and now I wait a couple of hours to prepare to take a nap. I really don’t want to go back to work. Maybe I can do part time. I really like my naps and wearing one of many pairs of caprees that I have somehow collected over the last few years. Do they multiply? I should google it.  Urban dictionary states that caprees are normally really hot women. sounds about right.