Monthly Archives: November 2020

just a little stitious

With the increase in the covid numbers, my job has been non stop phone calls. I really looked forward to this 4 day weekend, until I realized the other task (faxes) I do is going to pile up. Probably be ignored by my coworkers due to that damn phone thing. So before the manager left for the north, I asked if I could work the faxes. Early last week the prescription faxes climbed to over 90. Which meant a lot of them were duplicates because the patient had called in and asked what was delaying their medication. Which added to number of calls. dear god Can you say catch 22?

To say the least I am a bit tired. I don’t want to see anyone. I don’t want to do anything, but I still do stuff around the house. When I saw on facebook that Cathy said something about a zoom thing, I just couldn’t. My body is tired and it appears to be a bit of out of balance. I am unsteady on my feet. Or I don’t do obstacles very well, tired. It has become abundantly clear that I should not try to squat down and just try to stand straight up. No no bad idea. I am not full of grace, not that I had been. But I think my name should be Lurch. No I don’t think any thing is physically wrong. And even if I thought there was? Good luck getting into see my doctor. Two weeks ago he and his family all tested positive for covid.

I don’t want to risk being anywhere. I know home is safe and that is where I will stay. I have run out of paper towels. Well lets use the 70 or 80 cloth towels we have in that drawer right there. My grocery list grows and that is okay, if I need something I will place my order and drive to pick it up.

Did you know we have a Costco in Meridian now? Yeah, so I avoid Chinden and 10 mile like the plague. I turn right at Black Cat, which now has a traffic light. And Chinden is double lanes from 16 on towards Boise. But so what, on each side of Chinden is nothing but houses. I was talking to a fella who came up from California, he was looking to establish. Told me that he was one of the good guys, that he was here to make sure the crazies don’t turn Idaho into California. I hope he has the power to do so. I have only met one or two out of staters who complained about Idaho and how we were doing everything wrong. I said in a very sweet voice, ‘what’s stopping you from leaving?’. And no I didn’t get in trouble. yeesh some people.

Jen came over today. She made these ornaments for gift giving and some ninja gingerbread men. I dipped pretzels in white chocolate and milk chocolate. I had made a couple of loaves of banana bread before she arrived. The ornaments were clear and the first set she made a mixture of spices that is used to add to sour cream for dip. Then she made up a mixture of different spices to add to wine or apple cider. I decorated my bike and front flower bed in festive sparkleness. I brought in a couple of boxes of Christmas stuff. I am looking for my Leg Lamp. I can’t imagine where I stored it, its in a fairly large box. Why yes even after feeling like I am a walking zombie, I have been developing a huge case of Holiday Spirit. Been listening to Christmas music. And??? I already sent out Christmas cards. They are in the mail.

So? happy holidays. I love you all so very very much.

artistic eyebrow

I like having a list and getting it done, checking each one off. Letting me see my progress and how my things to do have changed over the years. Rocky loved having a list and I was more than happy to build one. At the time of his death he was working through a 3 page list of a different variety of things. And that list was what kept me busy for the first couple years after, then I started my own. Yesterday I had a list to go get the oil changed, pick up the bifocals, take car in for a wash and pick up a few much needed groceries. But those are my short term tasks. I have a few long term which I managed to take care of a few this last year. My long term list will let me reach my goal comfortably. Barring all catastrophes’, I want to get all the big stuff done. Why? My goal is to retire. I had a new roof put on the house. Road trip to Phil, Jody and Royce’s (yes that was big to me), hire a chimney sweep and get the last 45 foot gutter capped. Now the gutter cap seems minor and boy was it expensive. But most of what I mentioned will keep me having to climb up onto my roof or ladder. So spending big bucks will in the future save me a hospital bill or two. I still have a few things on my Big Stuff list; hire someone to put in new linoleum for the kitchen, new sink in both the kitchen and bathroom. And a couple of yards of rock, maybe even three. Trip to Denver to see Ellen and Leo. And of course to see Mitch and Carla.

Work? Kayla the manager has reached out to the company who bought us. Her goal is to set things too rights in the call center. The room is too small and not enough staff. One person has a cold then we all get a cold. She spoke to the manager at IMHC (the mother ship) and their staff averages 200 calls a week. They work from home with 2 monitors and laptop with a docking station. Kayla liked all this because this would give information (ammunition) to bring to the governing board to get things changed. Per Kayla, we are down 5 people and that is five people not counting the 2 who left. Why do we need more staffing? I average 100 to 150 calls a day and I know some of my coworkers are getting more than that. Not the 200 calls that the big guys do a week. hmmm. Then the reason that Kayla wants new equipment is she plans to ask that the staff all work from home or build us a safe place to work. Kayla says the big guys will probably vote to keep us home indefinitely, me like. I wonder if I can get a new office chair.

Thanksgiving gatherings of any type has been canceled by me. You guys can do what ever. But I have declined all invitations to go anywhere. Several reasons but the main one is Covid, I know where I have been and the measures I take to keep me safe. And the shit show I lovingly call the General Election. Makes me anxious.

Anxious? I cannot watch any of the videos that pop up about rescuing elephants, goats, dogs, cats, moose. I can’t I tense up and I know in my heart it is a successful rescue. But the panic and pain those animals go through just almost makes me ill. I would probably be the first one to jump in a puddle or river or whatever to save some beast but don’t make me watch the video.


i see

I had an appointment with the ophthalmologist for my chronic dry eye or eyes. He put plugs in the upper tear ducts to match the plugs in the lower. They were a major irritation and I rubbed my eyes in my sleep, now all four are gong. Nope not gonna have them cauterized. But they also checked my sight and gave me two prescriptions. One for daily activity and one for computer. What I was not told was that the daily one is bifocal. Forewarned is ….blah blah blah.

I went and hung out with Jen that next weekend and she mentioned that she got her prescription filled at America’s Best. Yeah, don’t go there or at least not in Boise. Check your local YELP section for your AB center. This one is Boise is staffed by halfwits and criminals. I was told to pick out some frames and I did, both red but different style. Then we sat down and the ‘technician’ reads my prescription, measures my eyes and put dots on the lens. No mention of bifocals or progression or hey my cat is stuck in a tree. Nothing, all I knew was that I got single reader glasses and computer glasses. Then 10 days later I went and picked them up and left. They didn’t fit them to my face. Yeah, don’t go there.

As you know mom and I drove to Oregon a few weeks later. I was having the damndest time driving while looking at directions on the phone. Kept having to switch glasses. WTF!!!! And mom did not realize that she was to help navigate and didn’t realize she could get us lost in the bottom of a paper bag. My car got really good at turning around. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Yesterday, I decided since I didn’t want to lose any of my HSA money I would go get bifocals. Spend as much as possible of the balance, I was okay if I didn’t get to spend anything less than 100, but it had about 400 in it. This time I went to Walmart eye center after picking up my groceries. I went in and told the tech that I wanted bifocals and let him know of my experience at the local AB center. He looked at my prescriptions, gave one back. Said those were the computer glasses and all he needed was the one left in front of him. He went on to explain and show me that the prescription in front of him was for bifocals. what the ever loving hell. He then asked if he could see the glasses that was supposed to be bifocal. He held them up to the light and said the lenses had some scratches. He said that it happened thru the production. well cheese and crackers! He then put all my info in the computer and said lets pick out a couple frames. I told him I had to have red and no nose pieces, there were only two. I tried them both on and picked one. He then went thru the spiel of what kind of lenses are available that I might need for my job. After going thru a hand full, I picked one with what seemed to be all the bells and whistles. Coming to a grand total of 323.00 bones. He told me that would be ready for pick up next Saturday. neato.

Is it any wonder I can see at all? Yeah I think I am going to call the local AB center and ‘speak to the manager’. And then visit Yelp.

its the life for me

You tube is a wonderous tool. I learned how to replace carpet and various other things that escape me. But you tube is my go to when I have some time to spare. I find people magnet fishing, I was thought Jody should try it. I also find divers diving for ‘treasures’, but mostly they are picking up trash. I watch people who dumpster dive, corporate america throws a lot of shit away. I watch auctions and sometimes I even watch the television shows that stream there. My attention span has shortened over the years, I will watch a trailer and think OMG I must watch that. Then the film or show comes out and nothing. I would hazard a guess the trailer showed the highlights and I don’t need to bother with the rest.

Jen came over yesterday to do her laundry. She was dressed up as a pink flamingo and I was working my inner witch. We went to La Costas for lunch and then to the Hen House to shop. I like the clearance rack and they really didn’t have anything as they were changing over from Halloween to Christmas. Guess I will have to go back.

Work. I purchased a stand station for my desk probably the same day Carla ordered hers. They are the same. Two of my coworkers have put in their notice and the last day is this Friday. Both my leads are gone have of each day to do stuff with the manager. So we are down four people, manager she has been really busy interviewing two people to fill the spots. Guess my numbers will go up. Manager is slowing slogging through the work that Jose should have done. We are looking to pass off the faxes, I told her if one person a day would work the faxes and stay off the phones we could do this. No she wants to hand the whole kit and caboodle to the front office girls who have their won fish to fry. Lets just take an onerous issue and add to it.

Today I am going to pick up the leaves that have piled up in the yard. After my laundry is done. I have several things that do not go in the dryer and if Justin is around? No separating for that guy. So I do it myself.

Don’t eat too much candy.