Monthly Archives: April 2019

safety first


Here’s something you didn’t know and if I am not correct, you could care less. I am a Marvel comic movie fan. Yep kind hooked on Stan Lee’s stuff.

Had been catching up on all the previous movies for the last year or so. And watching the current ones that come out in the theaters. Yesterday the kid and I drove over to watch ENDGAME at Edwards in Nampa. I tried to talk him into leaving at 10, but no. Nope it only takes a 1/2 hour or less to get there. Ummm young man this is the second day that the movie has opened. Its gonna be crazy busy. So I went online and bought tickets and off we went. The lines were long. So we only had to stand in one because…tickets!

We finally get into the theater to sit and it is packed. Nothing up top nor the middle and anything that looks vaguely comfortable is ‘saved’. Yep ya lucky bastard you probably got here an hour ago. We finally got two seats together two rows from the very front. Yikes, my neck still aches. All while he is muttering that he hates crowds and he is never going to go to the movie theater ever AGAIN!!!! shut up. sheesh.

Now this is a long movie and by the time we are out, something around 2:30 in the afternoon. I am hungry. My stomach thinks my throat has been cut. I asked him if he would like to stop for a sandwich or something. Let me have it with both barrels about how his stomach is upset from his current panic attack from all the great unwashed. good grief. And I always do this. We go out and I want to eat. fuck sake! So freaking sue me.

So I drove home made myself a lovely PBJ with a diet cherry coke. Yeah I am not going to take his royal highness out ever again. sorry kiddo I have put you on the short list. You want to go somewhere, go by yourself.

All’s well that ends well. And the movie? It was good.

without impunity


Story time or how I saw it go down. Where I left off was Thursday morning and all basically went ahead as usual. Check people in, go to lunch, check people in, go home. I was on my way to pick up Zsazsa from her teeth cleaning when the phone rang. It is Martha!!!! ‘Where are you? Why did you not ask if it was okay to leave? It is so irritating to work with you!!! You have to ASK!!!. good god. I reminded her that it was Thursday and I have always checked out and left after the last patient was checked in. NO YOU DON’T!!! I HAVE HALF A MIND TO SPEAK TO YOUR NEW SUPERVISOR ABOUT YOUR DISRESPECT!!! the hell? Ok what is it that I can do for you? I want you to come to Caldwell and not Nampa tomorrow. I can do that. FINE, I will see you tomorrow. lovely

So the next morning, no repercussions or talking down toos.  I have put up with my age and memory being questioned, my new job threatened…what next. The following week no sign of trouble, everything is moving right along then we have Wednesday. April 24th is Secretary’s Day. I have always received a rose or something from my doctors. Julie Dr S’s main nurse reminded Martha of the day. Martha walks off muttering about making an announcement at huddle. Have I mentioned that I hate HATE huddle? so pointless. M starts in about our entertainment funding and how we only have like 1000 bucks for the upcoming year. We wouldn’t do anything for secretary’s day this week and hopefully she can combine it with nurses week in May. Then she reads a bullshit poem about secretaries and posts a poster in the breakroom. um thanks feeling really appreciated. So as I was going to get charts and clipboards I let Julie know what had been said. Julie – “I don’t fucking think so!” Julie walks into Dr S’s office and lets him know what is going on.  Fifteen or twenty minutes later I am walking back up to her desk and Martha is walking behind me. Out comes Dr S from his office, sees me and smiles. Sees Martha and tells her to come to his office. I carry on because shit doesn’t take care of itself.

Half hour later, Martha has left for the day and we get a flower delivery. hmmm somebody’s toes got stepped on.  And to add to the feeling of butt hurtedness to the bosslady, I said I had a kudos for the doctors at the next days huddle for giving us flowers. dead silence hee hee.

I suspect Dr S is not completely in the dark as to the actions of his dear office manager. I would hazard a guess that Julie filled him in on all the bullshit that I had been dealing with since Martha stepped through our doors. Why? Because of a bouquet of yellow roses. I have seen people leave and not once did I see them get such a fine display as the one I got yesterday. I firmly believe that it was his way of saying thank you and apologizing in one fell swoop. And if it isn’t? Its how I am going to interpret it. Because? Wednesday morning was the last time I saw Martha. She went to Nampa the next day and stayed there and as for Friday? She decided to take the day off. Me? I worked until well lets say I stayed until 5pm. One of my coworkers came in on her day off and stayed with me until I clocked out. No she wasn’t my babysitter, she actually cared that it was my last  day and thought I would need someone to be with. That is how it is supposed to be. I got many gift bags with assorted presents to remember people by. Chocolates, coffee cups, little plants and decorative items and a big ass plush embroidered throw from Lois. Martha or the lead Amy? nothing. Nothing but a complaint of how much Martha spent on breakfast burritos that she got for my going away party. Will I miss working there? hardly.

My outlook calendar was swiftly filled with meetings and trainings for my new position. I am going to be busy for the next couple weeks if not months. I might even go so far as to lower my sertraline dosage, we will see.

disposable income


My life long goal has always been to have disposable income. I like the sound of it. Quite lovely if you ask me. Oh you didn’t…tough.

Today I accepted delivery on a cord of wood. It almost kicked my butt. If it hadn’t been for my lovely neighbors, I would probably have dropped a tarp on it. Finish it in dribs and drabs. But mama needed to put the bike back. So Tonya came over with her garden wagon and we worked on the pile until it was down to half. I called a break and once Justin and I started in again, here came Mary, her grand daughter and daughter in law. Who helped finish it up. Exhausting!

Somewhere along the way I have lost my stamina. I need to get back to walking. A body in motion stays in motion.

Yesterday we rented Spider-man Homecoming, it was a hoot. Then today Justin treated me to a butterfingers blizzard and rented Aqua-Man. Which started out really lame. The dialogue was really rough. But once the action started, wowza. Am a big fan of Jason Momoa. Tomorrow? Game of Throne episode. geez why don’t I have energy?

My spring flowers are coming on like gang busters. So pretty. My lilacs are even fixing to bloom. I am so busy pulling weeds I don’t have time to take pictures. Maybe tomorrow…maybe.

I got mail! Thanks Phil for the smashed pennies. I love them.


this shit show is winding down

Today is my last day working in the Emmett clinic. I liked working there, I got to come in late and leave early. Home for lunch. And I got to see people I know, some of which flirted with me. I found it somehow very odd to have a person who taught me in high school get all googly eye on me. go away Mr Mullins!

I was initially asked to stay longer to help with coverage for vacancy and training. I have been sent home numerous times for low census. Staff was stumbling over each other and fighting over the little bit of work that was available. So I have been a little tense and irritable. Two things that I CANNOT BE!!! No I must be happy and positive, fuck. I have been taking Sertraline for several years and the dosage has been very effective up until the last few weeks. I cannot get fired that would SO screw up my chances to transfer. So I increased my daily dosage. And it works with no side effects that I am aware of, maybe that third eye in the middle of my forehead. I did this for about a week then let my provider know what I was doing and why. She told me to stop it and she would prescribe something to go along with my pill regimen. Ok I will. We will see how it goes.

Monday is a surprise potluck. I am fairly certain they are keeping it secret because they know I would demand the day off. lovely. I hope I get a plant.

Speaking of which, I boosted one of the three plants the clinic has had since I was hired. I am the plant whisperer there and have babied them along. I have brought them all home and repotted to bigger pots then brought them all back. But this one, it is very tall and has a thick hardy stock with corn like leaves. I call him Phil, it does not play the bass. I brought him home to repot to a much larger pot, turquoise in color. Quite pretty. But I have decided to keep him. I told everyone at work that as I was lifting him out of his red pot that I had dropped him and he is broken. I am a horrible person. I predict all the other plants will die from neglect. Because I was the key to their doing so well. HA!  I am such a dork. No I just wanted him so there.

Today I have to take Zsazsa in for a teeth cleaning, ie sedated. I am going to ask them to clip her toenails and clear the hair out of her ears. I will pay for that please just do it.

I have been in touch with a fella on facebook from Emmett. He has a couple cords of green wood for sale. I have ordered one cord to fill my wood bin. He says it will be ready this fall. Hooray. I was up on the roof Monday checking to see why in the hell the roof around the skylight was leaking. Mud and leaves. So I cleared it out and then had a very difficult time with the ladder. Took me awhile to get down, stupid ladder.

Went to the eye doctor. A real one. One who isn’t trying to sell me product. I had him put in ductile plugs. I have a baby cataract, no glaucoma or no macular degeneration. I need new glasses which will have to wait for May. Can only get glasses once a year. With the plugs are in my eyes, they are not dry. I don’t need eye drops as much and I can read the fucking fine print. DUCTILE PLUGS for the love of god. How could have I forgotten them. They have saved me trouble so many times. oh well.

not short enough


I plan on driving up the canyon to spend a day or two with mom. If the creek don’t rise. Friday I have my much rescheduled eye appointment. I rescheduled it like 5 times so I wasn’t messing with the work schedule. Then when it is getting finalized (put on outlook) I am asked if I still need the day off. god dammit! YES! But Monday I decided that today I needed off to prepare or get stuff done that I usually get done on a weekend. ie lay around with my computer in my lap, listen to the washing machine wash my clothes and run the vacuum cleaner. Important stuff.

Honest to god if I survive the next two weeks without slapping someone it will be a miracle. must chant my mantra ‘ i need my job  i need my job i need my job’. I have processed the faxes for the last 5 years. With no complaint. I have basically given up control to another so she can train one of the new girls. With the occasional question or bit of guidance I help out but not much. Now? Some nurses want to reinvent the wheel or change my job. the hell. So I go to the lead and ask if they can just wait until I am out of there or just have someone take over the faxes all together because I do not want to relearn a job I will no longer have. Oh no its only just this one little change…Well I replied ‘ I don’t want to do it that way.’ Oh my how disrespectful. shit. dammit. Now I have to apologize. shit. If the change is so easy lets make it easier and give it to someone else permanently. I don’t have a problem with that. Here ya go my task is done. I will answer the phones and check in patients. Counting the minutes to get out!!! As it is I work the faxes about 1.5 days of the next two weeks…gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I got the spreadsheet finished and have emailed it to everyone who might need it. I even showed a couple girls how to use it. Now I need to clean up the file room a little. I have printed off a months worth of patient’s charts and labels. Just let me go!!!

OH? Big news!!! I got a 3.6 percent raise. It is rather substantial compared to the last measly one cent an hour raise. I got 58 cents an hour. Its not huge in the great scheme of things but it helps with the rise in cost of insurances. Plus as a company we also have this program that if we reach certain goals, we all ALL get an increase in our 401K or retirement thing. We did quite well. I don’t have all the numbers on that one yet but it will help when I need to move into my tent under the bridge.


in a matter of minutes


Work is painful. PAINFUL!!! Having given up control of all my jobs I find I don’t have any. Yes I continue to manipulate the storage charts database. But my eyes are starting feel like what I can only assume; raisins. Little dried up raisins. I have sold my stand station to a coworker down the hall. So I sit hunched over looking ever looking at the computer screen.

I am almost finished with that project and have found yet another. A spreadsheet of some charts that we inherited from a retiring physician from Oregon. Why? Because the acting manager at the time thought it would be good customer service to take it on. I would like to state here and now that when a person who is higher up on the career ladder than I decides that something is good customer service? They don’t have a freaking clue as to the work that will go into it. Thank you so much for making this a shit load harder than it should be.

Because we are custodians of these charts, clinics from all over the area will request copies. Go away! Oh its all in a spreadsheet, but in some kind of strange abbreviated language that I have been sent to decipher and convert into something a five year old can understand. Pretty sure my brains will be of mush when this is completed. waa waa. Shut up girl you have a job when some do not.

Ok as for GOT? Lots of sword fighting, out of control dragons, and mystery. So much mystery. One of which I would like to point out because I don’t understand how this person got the acting job. The gentleman who plays Jon Snow, who is a valiant swords man and a bastard. He has the most inexpressive face. He could be face to face in a very angry conversation, shooting arrows, slicing some one with his Valerian sword, or having sex with his red headed wideling. All with the same expression. No eyebrow twitch or sneer. Yeah so puzzled. I am on season 5. Yeah me.

Ok must get off the computer and keep GOT at arms length as I am growing roots into the couch. Get out and do….something.



Humans are stupid and fragile. Well some of them are. Yet another person falling to their death at the Grand Canyon. I have no words but when did that ever stop me. The homo sapien are bipeds. The feet for the most part are small and grow straight from in front of the body. So at a very small age we had to learn to balance. ….Why on earth we have not developed our feet to be splayed out to help balance; is not for me to say. Again this won’t stop me.

I suspect that there will be many safety factors investigated and utilized. Perhaps even law suits attempted. From falling deaths, helicopters accidents and valley fever. So here is what I suggest, stop being stupid. Simple. If you see in front of you a huge hole? Stay back. There all solved now go about your business.

GAME OF THRONES. I am addicted. Oh I have not fallen in love with the characters. But I have shown great restraint from googling episodes to see what happened. Um no reading the back of the book first. Spoil all the fun.

I will be interested in what the White Walkers are doing with the babys. At first I just thought they came and got them for a late night snack. No…something else…something evil. rubbing my hands together with my shoulders hunched…smiling

So if you like lots of bloody violence, gratuitous sex and mystery? This one is for you.

I have let go of control of the jobs I have preformed at work for the past 5 plus years. Oh, you have a release of information form? No I won’t be doing that but if you have any questions on how and what to send, do ask. I will walk you through that. And onbase/incoming faxes. Heres the thing, you have to work it yourself. No I am not going to do anything except to answer the occasional phone call.

For the most part I have spent all of the days so far dicking around with an excel spreadsheet. I have been compiling all these spreadsheets into one.  Three years ago the manager (the one before the current one) had to have all the charts put into a spreadsheet and the charts boxed up for storage. Dr S who is presently enjoying Japan had all his charts in the basement of his old office. So five or six coworkers were sent over with laptops and started in on the process. It took them two weeks, they logged in charts starting from 2000 to 2010. Anything before that was destroyed. very old charts.

So each of those girls put in information into separate spreadsheets. For identifiers some used medical record numbers some used birthdate dates. To have just one person log in one year was rare. They skipped and jumped around and this is making my brain hurt. I am learning how to move data from one spreadsheet to another. Learning to insert data without overriding anything that is already there. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I am stuck in 2005 because this year was especially jagged, many people worked on this. Not good. I look in all the spreadsheets from each coworker finding a couple months here and there. idiots!

Then? I am putting the storage information by each boxes of charts so these people who I am leaving behind will only have to get into ONE freaking excel spreadsheet to find the information that they need to order a chart from storage.

It has been a painful but busy process. They will not thank me and just why did I clean all this up? Because this is the way it should have been done in the first place. These dinosaurs who won’t use the computer and only use paper are slowing down the process. Oh we have all the info in notebooks, HUGE notebooks, always have a back up. And it is all saved on the shared drive. To me it is busy work and I have 3 weeks to go. I need valium