Monthly Archives: December 2018

moos suspiciously

moos suspiciously





that is all



This would have been my 42nd year wedding anniversary. Can’t seem to wrap my head around that. So I won’t and you can’t make me.

What a nice day! I was puttering around cleaning and making the house less hoarder/dog owner like. Moving the fan to the hall I told Justin he could move it back once we had left. Justin got mad and said don’t you realize I am going with you? No, the last rant I was told that you were not. I have lost my ability to read minds blah diddy blah blah. Then he got in his car and was gone for like 20 minutes. I continue to clean. Just the obvious spots, leave me something to do later in the week. He finally comes back in a better frame of mind. drama

Mom and Rick got here first. And I had them open their presents. Rick liked his gourmet coffee, sweets and window scraper. Mom loved her scentsy wax, bath bombs and thermal 31 bag. Me? I got money. I am rather fond of money and it never disappoints. Jen arrived and we opened presents again and  visited. Then drove out to Letha to have dinner with Rich and Cathy. We had a wonderful dinner of beer can chicken, roast beast and assorted sides. So yummy.

It was a great Christmas, today? I get dressed and go raise a little hell at Les Schwab.

a word please

Heaven pointer hand color icon

I like to read different articles on the internet. Topic doesn’t matter. I read an article yesterday about Tom Hanks stopping by an IN -N-OUT, he bought lunch for everyone. Nice guy Tom. The author of was writing about Tom’s accomplishments rattling off a list of movies which included ‘TANGO AND CASH’. What? Nuh uh! So I could have wrote a comment at the end of his article. Nope I looked up the author and sent him an email to please fix his article. Yeah look here i am being a nosey know it all.  Yes, he replied with his thanks and said he fixed the article.

Yesterday I drove over to Les Schwab to get the tires rotated. They had sent several email reminders so I thought I have a minute and I will go in early. I told them why I was there and they took my keys. I went and sat. I read my kindle. and read and read. Almost 45 minutes passed. The tire store is clearly not my favorite place to be, so I got up to see that my truck had not moved. really. I asked for my keys and Caroline asked me why I was there. I said well I was supposed to get my tires rotated by it doesn’t appear to have happened. Out runs a tech who says they were just going to go get my truck, yeah because I said something. Maybe 5 minutes later the truck is finished. l sat there longer in the waiting room then it took them to take care of the tires. Oh but it gets better. I drive home and do my thing waiting to go back out to get some food for the day’s lunch. I wanted rotisserie chicken with potatoes and gravy. Put some leftovers in the fridge for the manchild because he refuses to go out to any Christmas gatherings. I  am driving to the store and a light pops on. It is the traction light. the hell? I have a button to turn the traction off and it lights up a different light. what fuckery is this? So I finish my shopping and drive back to the tire store. I park right in front of an open bay and wait for a tech to step out. He remembers my truck and I pointing to my dash I asked about the light. He sort of shrugged his shoulders then called to his knucklhead cohort . He too peered in. ‘Well I’ve never seen that before…why don’t you drive around a couple days, it will go off’. really kids? I thanked them for their time and drove on home. I was hungry and needed to read my car manual.

On page 167 it reads that if this light comes on to contact my mechanic immediately. I call Cori at Corwin Ford and explained the light on my dash. He offered a diagnostic appointment for $136.00 which of course doesn’t include any repair time or parts. So I asked him what would he suggest for perhaps his mom if this situation happened. I explained everything. He said he would tell mom to go back to tire store and have them sort it out.

So that is the plan for the week. oh and Merry Christmas

oh family


While surfing the internet I found this photo and saved it under ‘Phil’, made me laugh. Today I am gonna stop by the tire place and get the tires rotated. I keep getting emails reminding me to do this. Which is kind of nice I guess maybe I should set up a whole series of reminders, like change the filter in the fridge or fill the windshield washer reservoir. Why wait till the last minute?

I think basing a movie’s success on the first weeks take/attendance is stupid. I want to go see Steve Carell’s new movie “Welcome to Marwen”. It made very little …very little. But guys! It’s all situational, Aquaman came out. And just about all the male side of the LGBT group attended more than once. stereotyping much? Only for a joke because really? Who cares? I like Steve and I like Jason but Steve? He doesn’t remind me of Rocky. Jason Mamoa has something about his eyes. although I don’t believe Rocky had a rad scar, no. Could be just the twinkle and ain’t nobody got time for that cuz who has time to wallow in the past. Seriously though, the pretty guy is a flash in a pan. I suspect soon he won’t be so approachable for his fans. I have seen it time and time again. I blame the media. Some celebrity is shoved in our faces ad nauseum. So I vote for the fella who is a character and he is nice to look at.

The girl child is back from Vegas and had a fine time. I didn’t get all the details but hopefully a visit from her will turn up any and all news.

Carol and I are going to the movies next Sunday to celebrate our aging. Try out the new Reel theater in Caldwell. I am going online to reserve a couple of their fancy recliners, you will wish you were me.


chance of snow

It-makes-my-heart-smile bits


Melatonin gives me headaches. Plus it doesn’t help me sleep, so another bottle set aside in my quest for some serious Z’s. All I know is well actually nothing. My sleep pattern is crap. I get up way to early and come home from work headed almost straight to bed. Hopefully with my time off I can make adjustments.

Yesterday was fun. I had ordered again online at Wally world, drove over got my order. Back to home where I cooked up a taco soup. Then I went to a couple of stores in town to finish up my holiday shopping. Spent the rest of the afternoon wrapping packages.

Today? I am thinking about cleaning. Making a mental list of things I should probably do.  PROBABLY.  But the sky is overcast and dreary. I might have to cuddle up on the couch with my dogs. Build a fire. The kid will turn on sports but me? I have earphones and a laptop, I need to binge some shows. My attention span is good for about 22 minutes. So I need to find some ‘1/2’ hour shows. I did find the BBC show about a chimp rescue place in Louisiana I fell asleep to that a couple of times. I absolutely love the BBC channel. Something about the accent maybe.

Oh back to shopping for groceries online. If you want to try it and use a $10 coupon off your groceries? Hit me up I will refer you and a link will go to your email. Its all pretty simple. I had complained on a survey on my first purchase. I had a particular store in mind and when I checked out the pick up place had changed. So WW customer service called and offered me another $10 off. But it worked out, I left it to the new destination because I could stop and get a burger next door. But this last time was at the store that I had originally wanted. Now if they could just deliver by drone.


shit show 2018


Have I used this one yet? I don’t care.

On my way back from a doctor’s visit last month or maybe it was the month before. I was set to let the manager know she could keep her stupid surgery scheduling job. I rehearsed the speech in my head on the way in to work. Blood pressure rising exponentially (wow spelled it right on the first try). I WAS READY!!! And she wasn’t in the office. So I calmed down and decided to give it a little more time. I continued to schedule and reschedule ad nauseum.  This Monday was incredibly horrible. I had scheduled a laser litho patient 3x because it stepped on the toes of a self important doctor in the Nampa hospital. Fine I will schedule at the hospital across the street. I get an email a couple hours later that I had (supposedly)scheduled at the same time as yet another scheduler (bullshit or I would have heard immediately). No Dr S likes to have his surgeries streamlined and consequential and I had my doctor in the middle of his morning. um First come first serve until it interrupts THE DOCTOR. Pulling rank much?

And the day just went to shit from there. Tuesday it is a quiet morning because my doctor was in surgery. Clinic started noonish and went smooth. No surgeries which seemed odd. Kept busy with the odds and ends of work, the nurse brought one of my surgery patients to the girl across the way. They were best friends and she wanted to get this one set up. Fine by me. Five oclock  and it looks like two possible surgeries. tick tick tick time is passing. I watch as my nurse walks pass saying bye see you tomorrow. um where are my last 2 patients? Oh they didn’t need anything…okay!

Que interesting phone call the next day from my doctor’s last patient from yesterday. Wanted to know if she could reschedule her surgery? what the ever loving fuck!?! I am not stupid kids. I can put 2 and 2 together. I went into manager’s office and asked what was going on and if I still had a job? She got a very panicked look on her face and told me to sit and she would be back with Amy. Yep! I was ‘stepping’ down from the position. It wasn’t the jobs that I was preforming it was the visible stress that I was under. Evidently my doctor went to manager and said she didn’t like what she was seeing and the possibility of some kind of melt down or heart attack was in my near future. BUT??? I was also being written up for my out of character ‘outbursts’. Yeah evidently my crazy was showing and made people uncomfortable. Didn’t matter that the job was making me nuts, here sign this. It will be in your file for the rest of your life. Now go be nice because we will be watching you. Oh your schedule and what you will be doing? hmmmm let me get back with you. Dear God they put this into action and didn’t think I would see.

Am I filling out applications? You bet your ass. Oh manager sent out an email that I had resigned the position and was back to my old position. I have got to get out. But being pleasant and actually having fun watching these rats take on the gargantuan job that was sitting on my shoulders.


i don’t think so


It has just occurred to me this week that I have inherited my parents eyebrows. Yep, my right eyebrow from mom and my left from dad. It isn’t a pretty combination

I have a new favorite thing. I am so excited!!!! The boy and I drove to Boise yesterday to pick up my groceries. There was ample parking in the front for people who order their groceries online and if you didn’t get a text or email that your order was ready? They conveniently had a sign at the front of your parking spot with a phone number to call and let them know you are there. It was lovely we sat in the car less than 5 minutes watching the hoard of Walmart shoppers scurry in to shop the bargains. Not too long after a young gal came out pulling a cart with my bagged groceries. She even helped put them in the car. I may never go inside that store ever again…well not during the holidays any ways. When I had ordered I was asked to participate in a survey. OK because when I hit the button to complete? It changed the store location and I felt if I tried to fix it I would screw things up. And I stated as such in the comment section of the survey, I was not rude and did not drop the f bomb.

But Justin reminded me that the store on State had a Smash burger nearby so perhaps we could go for lunch. good idea young sir! So the morning went on and Zsa zsa was groomed and Cola was having a bad day. he had a couple seizures and acted rummy which scare the crap out of me. The phone rings and it is Walmart customer services asking if I would allow them to change the location and fix the issue that I had reported on the online survey. Um no and no thank you. We are going to go get burgers so it all worked out. She gave me a $10 dollar off my next online grocery purchase for my troubles. Nice and I had used one with the original. So exciting!!!

ship shap shop


I went shopping around 3:45 this morning at my favorite store. I looked up and down each aisle picking out my favorite item. Placing each item in my cart. I looked over the items I chose and decided yep that’s what I want then headed for checkout. I then reserved a 3 to 4pm pick up. I am so modern. Look at me buy groceries on the cyber hiway. woot woot. And I got $10 off with a promo code. I can get the stuff I need without talking to just about anyone. No rubbing elbows with the great unwashed. Yes I am a snob. bwah hahahahahahaha. I might shop this way from now on. I can’t even imagine how much I saved by not stepping foot into Wally world. They have too much distracting stuff. I don’t need a 12 pack of socks or a roll of holiday stickers. So here I am in this century (I forget which one). All I have to do is take a leisurely drive over the hill and honk my horn (text) in the parking lot.

Well evidently I am getting a garage door opener for myself for christmas. Mine finally went kapoot last weekend and the door guy couldn’t fix it. I am not surprised, Rocky put that in the first few months we were together. Bought it for 99 dollars at Ho Depot. Was the first present he bought me. So its plenty old and has seen a world of shit, time to retire. Its just too bad it decided to quit at the holiday season.

Work? Just trying to stay off the radar and get comfortable with my job.  Although I let management know that I am frustrated with my team for not communicating with me if they think there is an issue. I told them I was tired of simple fixable problems being escalated to management level when all they have to do is ask me for a SIMPLE FREAKING EXPLANATION. I was going to feel sad to see my RN move to a different team but nope, bye Felicia!!!  I will be with a new team and we will be learning what each of us need for a successful day.

Besides picking up my groceries curbside? I am going to groom a feisty little dog. And put some christmas cards in the mail. What are you doing?


close but no cigarettes


I got my 5 year pin yesterday and one of the things that goes with it is a certificate and an order form with 5 or 6 glossy pages. Glossy pages? Of what. Mostly crap. But ya got yer tools, jewelry, stuff that goes on top of your dresser that gathers dust, kitchen gadgets and 3rd world made techno junk. I am undecided to what to order, yes once you hit one of the special years??? You get a gift. hooray. I would probably order a pair of bolt cutters if that was one of my choices but it is not. I am leaning towards a new alarm clock, this one is a blue tooth with a couple of usb ports. USB ports are a good thing to have around. I will let you know.

So I got to talk with the mico managing manager. I showed her that I had set up the friday template that would not allow me or anyone else to schedule before 1pm. It pretty much went in one ear and spun in space, doubt it ever came out the other. She was not going to carry the blame on it. fine and fuck you very much.

Yesterday was the clinics Christmas breakfast and sock exchange. I got a couple of pairs of Mickey Mouse themed sox. I was very happy. Plus we each hang a stocking at our desk to which anyone of us can drop in a treat of some sort. I gave everyone minuscule plastic Pickachu characters. I don’t know why, there were like 30 of them so I painted everyone with that cheap little brush. And to the few, VERY FEW I got them appropriate trinkets.

What I am getting tired of is coming into a clinic where everyone is running around trying to fix something of mine that is not broken. Yesterday it was ‘not sending notes’ along with the orders for each surgery. Ok kids? I have a phone, pick up yours and call. Because I can explain what is going on and you can calm the hell down. You see? If the doctor has not dictated yet, I for some ungodly reason, cannot send the chart notes. Physically impossible. And you, you nurse who just spent 80 hours a week for the last 2 years getting your bachelors. If you don’t stop going over my head with issues instead of coming to me? You can do the damn job all by yourself. Don’t need the head ache. Its one thing to make a mistake and own it but to see that there isn’t anything wrong…and the clinic is up in arms. Gets old fast. The thing is I am told daily that I am doing a great job. I leave to go home then come back and it is chaos. I honest to god don’t know how to fix this to make it stop happening. I believe it is lack of confidence in me to get it done right. Looking for a change in career much?

these are not the droids you are looking for


I do not panic. If I am given an issue like oh say the schedule is fucked up. I go to the schedule to see what happened and fix it. done and done. I will also try to find out why the schedule is suddenly giving my nurse/manager/lead/coworkers heart attacks. Yesterday going in at noon I come into a mess. All of these people bitching to me that I had scheduled patients the next four fridays on the doctor’s scheduled lunch. Well I don’t freaking think so. Because I know for a fact all the fridays in December did not have a template, it was a freaking free-for-all that the manager did not set up but should have. So I had at the first of this month spent considerable time blocking for new patients, triage, surgery, lunch and personal time. Then? I scheduled according to how it was set. I got a snotty email from the manager about being conscientious about the schedule and the doctor’s time, oh? and communication. pissed me off. This set the tone for the rest of the day. I immediately went to Nicole’s desk and raided her candy drawer. Then set to work, because I still had yet to fix or find out anything at that point.

I went into the schedule and fixed each day. I didn’t have to reschedule any patients because they were right where they were suppose to be. what the hell? The surgeries that I had scheduled for the 14th, were now on the 21st and the 28th. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??? After some investigation I discovered that the manager went in to ‘fix’ the friday schedules for the next 3 weeks. jesus save me from idiots. What she did was go into the template builder and copied Dec 14th without checking to see if anyone was scheduled first. I am going to have to have a talk with her about this. And let her know that I especially did not appreciate her email. bitch. I really don’t think she is going to like me when I get pissed at her.

One of the other things that my dear doctor is dealing with is that Dr S’s schedulers are dumping his unwanted patients onto my schedule without the proper handoff procedure. So these girls are having to go into the schedule to check each patient to see if they are indeed a Dr S patient and remove them if they are. My doctor is asking that she is part of the process so she can approve or deny any transfers. The problem is the schedulers think just because she is a woman that she is trained to deal with all the female urological issues. And in this case, no. She studied the male urological issues and so now we are having to shake up the system a little. Plus any new patients? Have got to have current records or they are not put on the schedule. Nope, if you went somewhere to be seen let us know so we can request the records.  So que the next shit storm. I had called this patient that was on my schedule several times for the place she was seen. No reply, left a detailed message, plus she was a recent Dr S patient that was not handed off to Dr B (my doctor) properly. I called the patient several days before her appointment again no answer, with the leads permission. I left a message of our policy about records and said I had to cancel the appointment and would she please call me back. NO FREAKING ANSWER.  Patient came in yesterday to be seen, uh oh go get gale. god dammit. I go up to the front and explained that I had called and left several messages about the need for her recent records. I said I along with 2 nurses had requested records and did not receive them and per our policy I had to cancel her appointment. She lit up and stopped listening, told me her phone messages didn’t work. And she saw Dr Stritzke and all this was not her problem. Yikes what a bitch. So I handed her off to the lead, where the little bitch filed a complaint to get me fired. Said I was rude, mean, and unprofessional. So I had to find and print off my notes about trying to get ahold of her and my coworker who witnessed the entire conversation was interviewed. No I am not fired seems that gal was a little emotional because she had recently miscarried. sad

I got home and did not have any beer.