Monthly Archives: October 2008

I like this video

'Let's Make Love' by Faith Hill
'Let's Make Love' by Faith Hill

My favorite music couple.


Or offense then maybe just offensive? I am getting a new fence. Ellen told me to try MagicService or was it ServiceMagic? Anyway, I went online and filled out the little profile of what I wanted where. This online company picked from their pool of contractors – a list. A list of one for Idaho but they found someone for me. A company with a good reputation, references, and jobs that I could check on, and people I could talk to if I so desired. Morgan a nice name, a young man who gave me a bid of over $500 less than the marble gargling ca’boy who overbooked and could not accommodate me. I am to get a galvanized pole, 6 foot cedar fence, no building permit. Rich went up to pick up my permit and discovered if a fence is being replaced here in Hooterville, it does not require a permit. Thanks Rich!
George the invisible neighbor is ecstatic with the idea of a new fence. He is allowing the fence man to come onto his property to put in the fence. I have lots of stuff and building type things in the way.
That is what is going on in my neck of the woods. What pray tell is up your alley?

Cola is getting big

Look at that little head and those huge ears! He couldn’t even get onto the bed without help.
Now he can’t walk by me without knocking into me.
I am teaching Cola to sit. He will sit for a cookie. I hold my hands to my waist and look down at his face. Plop down his rear goes! I usually have a cookie in my hand but when I don’t and I have my hands together, he sits. I think he might be getting it.
He is so funny. I won’t let him sit on my lap as there isn’t enough of me to do that. What he will do is come up to the chair and set his chin in my lap and just stand there. So I rub him and tell him what an intelligent boy he is. At which time Butters will tell me is not exactly what I said ten minutes ago.
What am I up to these days? Well, Dave and Becky are coming over this weekend to gather up a couple barrels of wood. And hopefully, mom and Rick are going to stop in to see what all has been done to the house. And maybe Ricky will trim the arbivitae as they are growing into the wires.
I might tape in the bathroom and paint. Or I might take a trip over to Lumber Liquidators to see what they have in the floor dept. I don’t know, the world is my oyster and nothing is set in stone.
Today is Monday, don’t forget to fold the clothes.

Your room is ready.

No more piling into bed with me besides there isn’t any room. Cola pretty much takes up any spare room that Butters and I left. So? Go to your room.
As you can see there isn’t any place for your stuff, so just leave it on the floor. The floor? Well, its not done either. But the sheets are clean and the pillows are fluffy.
The leaves are turning. Now if they would just drop all at once, its going to be a chore this year. Rocky and I had a system and believe you me it took two of us. Don’t worry I won’t call and take you away from your stories.
I’m going to go check my inseam against a harley today. No I am not riding it and no I am not buying it. Its not for sale.
Have a lovely fall day.

Check that off the List

It was a goal to have a scone at Merrit’s Cafe once I was done with my prednisone. This morning around 4:30 I took my first bite. It was a little bit of heaven with lots of sugar and cinnamon.
I don’t have any life changing plans going on, I think I have done enough of those. So? I am taking life as it comes and that is good enough for me.
Work is fine, I am getting an education in authorizing insurance coverage. Word to the wise? Don’t take anyone’s word for it, always call your insurance if you are going to have a procedure. Then? Get it in writing. I am glad not everyone does this or I would be out of a job. But what would put the icing on the cake? If everyone would get their shit together and bring in the correct insurance. I know that would be amazing!
I am driving up the canyon tomorrow to see mom and Rick. I guess there is a restaurant open up at a lodge in Lowman. Have a nice weekend.

Oh That Wacky Wednesday!

Cola had a date with the vet and had his mind changed or something like that. I have sent many a dog to the vet to be neutered no problems, no mishaps, no drugs sent home. Till now, they sent home surgery instructions and a vial of pain meds.???? Whatever happened to giving baby aspirin? And just how do I tell if young master Cola is in pain? All I could tell was he was a little doggie drunk and whiny.

I asked Rick to come over to check the bricks in the stove. I noticed that they were breaking up and thought it might be nice to replace them. As I am not an expert on fireplaces or fires, I asked for help. Rick came over after his usual stop at the local donut shop and went to work. He took one look in the little stove and said that he couldn’t allow me to build a fire even with new brick.
Evidently the fireplace was as effective as using a stainless steel bowl in the middle of the room. I asked why, he said that the inside of the fireplace, the metal was breaking up and missing as well. I have electric heat and all I could think of was the 2 cords of wood I had just gotten
So I said lets go shopping. Rick suggested a minuscule stove called the Jotul. Pronounced Yodel. After 4 stops we finally found one and it was on sale. Borrowing the neighbor’s youngmen we got it moved in no time. The stove is made of cast iron has a little window and comes with instructions on how to build an effective lasting fire. I was doing that wrong as well. I am lucky to be alive people!

How do I react to that?

fence update? decision made; the stupid thing can fall over and be held up by toothpicks.
I was not liking the guy who bid on my fence so much. What is it about guys who run around in HUGE trucks and time management? Can’t get out of your driveway? What???
Finally got ahold of the fence builder who proceeds to tell me he couldn’t take my job. Hell, I was getting ready to tell him I didn’t want his business too. Dammit! I wanted to break it off first!
So I am disappointed I now have to find someone I can trust. Who’s work I need to check on. I have to check references. I don’t give a flying fig if someone knows someone that has to pay an electric bill. I want a person who is insured, been around here since the dawn of creation, and knows how to swing a freaking hammer. Oh? Be on freaking time!!!! Plus? Doesn’t look at me like am the first national gawd damn bank. I know how much things cost so don’t even go there.
Thanks for letting me vent – we will now return you to your regularly scheduled program.


I jacked this from Karl – so funny.

Hey Columbus!

Rumor has it that this guy discovered America – then this other Italian guy might have further down the coast. Or possibly the guy who has a 1950 car named after him. Darn foreigners!!!! Oh wait, how did I get here or you for that matter? So unless you were of Native descent shaddaup already.! Man!!!
But really it is all beside the point and past history. Past history – isn’t all history past? Stupid phrase heard it all my life. Back to my topic, what have you discovered lately? Find a wine that goes really well with Salmon? Did you make a new friend or an old one? A new favorite dinner at the local eatery? And if not you could be in a rut, live a little. Go on try it, you might discover you do have a taste for sushi.
Me? I am still at home licking my wounds and waiting for the storm to pass. I am expecting a full report of all things new, shiny, or tasty.
Drive safe.

Busy Bee

Seriously this is not sage, I don’t know why I thought I was going to paint sage in this room…This is English Tea, whatever that means. It is a neutral color and that was what I was going for here. Leanna and Ray came over and helped. Leanna and I painted, while Ray went to work on hanging my shelf unit on the pantry door. Both of them did an awesome job and hopefully we can hang together without working. I don’t want to be someone’s chore.
The boy came over last night with the dogs. Scooty reacquainted himself with me while Butters, Echo, and Cola tumbled, growled, chewed, and barked at each other. It was a noisome visit. Everyone had a great time, I know I did.
What am I up to next? Well the guest room is far from done but I can always repaint the bathroom. Plus I accepted a lower bid on my fence, hopefully the youngman stops by soon for instructions.
It is Sunday and I am going to stop at the 2nd hand store to see if they have a metal bed frame in stock. You? Well watch TV or something.